Word of the day : quiddity : the essence of someone or something : a trifling point; a quibble ...

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Word of the day : quiddity : the essence of someone or something : a trifling point; a quibble ...
Word of the day : precatory : expressing a wish It's going to be a scorching Thursday here in SE Georgia. On the agenda today: take Ga...
Word of the day : moiety : half ; one of two (approximately) equal parts ; one of the portions in...
Word of the day : desideratum : something desired as essential Well, this is Linda's last day in Georgia. We've had a wonderful t...
Word of the day : homiletic : of, relating to, or resembling a homily ; preachy; of or relati...
Word of the day : wetware : the human brain or a human being considered especially with respect to human logical and computational capabili...
Word of the day : amative : indicative of love ; of or relating to love It's going to be ...
On this Linda Eve, it will be an afternoon of cleaning. Julia and I stopped for donuts after dropping Gabriel off at school, checked out so...