Word of the day : servile : befitting or behaving like a slave Well, the family is getting ready for a four-day weekend. Might be a rainy ...

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Word of the day : servile : befitting or behaving like a slave Well, the family is getting ready for a four-day weekend. Might be a rainy ...
Word of the day : aliment : food, nutriment : sustenance...
Word of the day : sedulous : involving or accomplished with careful perseverance : diligent i...
Word of the day : dundrearies : long flowing sideburns For a moviegoer, these are the dregs of the season - comparable to mid-January, when...
Word of the day : georgic : of or relating to agriculture or rural life Hump day. Gabriel was slightly more excited to go to school today ...
Word of the day : marplot : one who frustrates or ruins a plan or undertaking by meddling (Think of it as someone who literally mars a plo...
Word of the day : maquette : a usually small preliminary model (as of a sculpture or building) Let's not beat around the bush. Here a...
Word of the day : scaramouch : rascal, scamp : cowardly buffoon 'nother day, 'not...
Word of the day : bloviate : to speak or write verbosely and windily Happy Tuesday, readers. Well, the Olympics are over - which Julia is...
Word of the day : weald : a heavily wooded area; forest : a wild or uncultivated, usually upland re...